5 benefits of dryer vent cleaning

Midwest Duct Dudes

Professional Air Duct Cleaning Services

Why annual dryer vent cleaning is a must for your home! Get the FACTS

#1 Fire Prevention / Safety

Every year, the number of dryer-related fires continues to rise, making it essential to ensure that your dryer vents are regularly cleaned. Lint is the most common ignition source, and both electric and gas dryers are equally susceptible to fire hazards. Even the most energy-efficient machines can accumulate lint in their vent lines, so it is important to enlist the help of a professional dryer vent cleaning service like Midwest Duct Dudes to protect your home from the risk of fire.

#2 Utility / Energy Savings

When the vent line of your dryer is clogged, the running time will tend to increase, resulting in an extra energy expenditure of up to thirty dollars a month. The accumulation of lint or other blockages in the vent line can cause inefficient dryer operation and a restriction in the vent lines, potentially causing your machine to come to a complete stop for no apparent reason. Even new dryers can be affected by lint blockages, causing the running time to decrease over time without you even noticing. At Midwest Duct Dudes we see this problem on almost every home we visit and we can help.

To maximize energy efficiency and save money, especially in everchanging climates like Illinois and Wisconsin, it is highly recommended to have your vent cleaned annually. Not only will you save money on the extra run time costs month after month, but you will also get your laundry done in roughly half the time. Take a look at some of our Before & After Photos or Videos if you'd like to see it first hand!

#3 Time is Money - Laundry NO FUN!

Picking up where we just left off. It can take more than one dryer cycle to get your clothes completely dry. Not only does this waste your time, but it can also create a fire hazard. To ensure your dryer runs efficiently and safely, it's important to get your dryer vents cleaned regularly.

With the help of a professional air vent/cleaning service like Midwest Duct Dudes of Illinois & Wisconsin, you can clear away any clogs and get your clothes dry in just one cycle. By taking the time to get your dryer vents cleaned, you can save yourself time and avoid any potential fire hazards.

#4 Don't Break Your Dryer!

Typically, a dryer that requires more than one cycle to dry a single load of laundry can lead the owner to believe something is wrong with the machine. The most common cause of this issue is lint buildup in the dryer vents, which can reduce the efficiency of the dryer or cause it to stop working altogether. Clogged vents can significantly reduce the lifespan of a dryer. However, by properly maintaining the vents of your dryer, you can ensure that your machine is operating at its peak performance and extend its life. In the long run, this can save you money by reducing the frequency of needing to replace your dryer.

#5 Remove Allergens & Pollutants

In every home, the proliferation of allergens can cause serious damage to the structure and adversely affect the health of family members. To prevent this, it is essential to identify and eliminate any areas in the home where moisture can accumulate. Additionally, it is important to check for any leaks in the dryer vents, as these can also contribute to the growth of allergens and pollutants.

When a load of clothing is put into the dryer, it contains a significant amount of water. To ensure that all of this moisture is expelled during the drying cycle, it is essential that the vents are installed correctly and kept clean. A build-up of lint in the dryer can cause allergens to grow and lead to dryer vent leaks. This is because the airflow is blocked, causing the dryer to exhaust moist air and potentially cause water leaks. Furthermore, the condensation of moisture in the vents can mix with the lint, creating a paste-like substance that sticks to the walls of the vents and encourages the growth of allergens. This can also further clog the vents. Give Midwest Duct Dudes a call for more information at (312) 450-4895 if you're in Illinois or (608) 618-3355 for Wisconsin homeowners.